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Emsculpt NEO in San Antonio, TX


Emsculpt NEO in San Antonio, TX

Why Choose Emsculpt NEO?

Would you like to build the strength and tone of your muscles and achieve a leaner, more athletic physique? Would stronger muscles help you work out more effectively, and maybe even help you strengthen your core in a way that minimizes back pain and prevents you from falling? Have you recently sustained an injury and are trying to rehabilitate that muscle faster? Then EmSculpt NEO may be a good option for you. EmSculpt NEO is an FDA-cleared medical device that helps with fat reduction and body sculpting while also building muscle tone. Luxxe Wellness & Beauty is proud to be one of the select practices in San Antonio to offer this award-winning technology.

What Is Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO is a non-invasive medical device that harnesses the power of both radiofrequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energy. These energies are delivered simultaneously via an external device placed against your body. A single treatment can trigger 20,000 muscle contractions to the targeted muscle in as little as 30 minutes. The recommended initial series of 4 treatments weekly is equivalent to a 12-week HIIT interval training. During your treatment, you will rest comfortably and feel your muscles contracting. The experience is unique but not uncomfortable. There is no downtime after the procedure and patients are able to resume their activities after their treatment. Most patients report no soreness after the treatment. Things you may notice after your treatment include: fat reduction and your body may take a more muscular, toned appearance. Results will vary depending on starting BMI. Emsculpt Neo may be used on the buttocks, abdomen, legs, arms, and hips.

What Are The Benefits Of Emscuplt NEO?

How Many Body Sculpting Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients undergo a series of four 30-minute treatments, each of which is scheduled 5-7 days apart. However, higher BMIs or individuals with more adipose tissue may need more than four sessions. After your initial series, you may choose to join our VIP medical gym to maintain results. Patients typically see their full results about a month after the last treatment.

How Much Fat Reduction Can Be Accomplished?

This treatment won’t help you lose weight, but it can sculpt your body by getting rid of small pockets of fat and building more muscle. This does not replace exercise and diet but it is a great adjunct tool for your weight loss journey. Emsculpt Neo is a great aid for active adults who want to take their workout results to the next level or patients who have not been able to be active because of previous injuries or lack of activity. Overall results may vary for each individual. However, studies show that patients who use Emsculpt Neo may see up to 30 percent fat reduction and 25 percent more muscle definition.

What Other Benefits Does This Body Contouring Treatment Offer?

Many patients know Emsculpt NEO for its ability to improve the look and contour of the body by slimming down stubborn problem spots and improving muscle definition. But this treatment’s ability to strengthen and rehabilitate weak muscles also offers important health benefits. By strengthening muscles in the abdomen, this treatment can help minimize back pain and improve posture. This treatment can also make it easier to perform activities that require a strong core such as playing golf, tennis or practicing yoga. This is especially important for older patients who are not as active and have suffered falls or are considered high risk for falls. Injuries can impact muscle strength and functionality. Emsculpt Neo may help patients with sports injuries or other muscle injuries. Our medical device is currently approved to treat muscles involving the following areas: arms, thighs, front/back leg, abdomen and buttocks.

Am I a Good Candidate?

You are Healthy
The ideal candidate is healthy, active, and with a body mass index of 35 or less. However, All patients are evaluated by Dr. Aguirre to see if the patient is a good candidate. Emsculpt Neo is a relatively safe procedure with little to no complications however we always want to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our patients. Patients with metal implants in the part of the body being treated, including metal IUDS, pregnant or with active tumors should not try Emsculpt Neo.
You Want Stronger Muscles
Whether you’re aiming for a more muscular, cut look or you want to strengthen your muscles as a way of warding off back pain and injuries, Emsculpt NEO can help. It is the only medical device on the market that simultaneously eliminates fat and builds muscle.
You Can Maintain Your Results
In general, muscle tone will diminish if you don’t stay active. Therefore, in order to maintain the results you achieve through EmSculpt NEO, we recommend you exercise and eat healthy regularly. Failure to do so, may diminish results or lead to re-accumulation of fat deposits. Patients who undergo this treatment should commit to a long-term healthy lifestyle. Luxxe Wellness and Beauty is also offering a VIP medical gym membership that allows patients to maintain their gains after their initial series. Feel free to ask us about how to join.
You Want a Convenient Solution
This treatment system can quickly and easily eliminate fat and build muscle tone without a lot of hassle or fuss. The treatments are quick and can easily fit into a busy schedule. Most importantly, you don’t need to set aside time for recovery or have to worry about showers after working out. For the first time you can workout without breaking a sweat. Emsculpt NEO makes fat reduction and muscle tone development easy and convenient.
You're Ready To Feel Better
Even if you’re already in pretty good shape, but have problem areas that you would like to improve Emsculpt Neo can really help. With Emsculpt Neo you can really take your physique to the next level in as little as four weeks. For patients who are not where they want to be physically, Emsculpt Neo is a great adjunct tool to get you on track with a healthier lifestyle.

frequently asked questions

  • How Can I Maximize My Results?

    Completing the full number of treatments we recommend for you is one way of maximizing your results. So is following an exercise regimen even as you undergo the treatment series. Emsculpt is not considered to be a replacement for workouts. After completing their initial series of treatments, some patients find that maintenance sessions every month or quarterly can help preserve their results long-term. During your initial consultation, Dr. Aguirre will give you very specific recommendations to follow before, during, and after your treatment. Your safety and satisfaction is a priority. Our goal is to help you achieve your best possible results.

  • What Is the Best Age To Undergo This Body Sculpting Treatment?

    There is no magic age at which to undergo Emsculpt. Younger adults regularly seek out this treatment for body contouring purposes. However, more and more older patients are seeking these treatments for health, wellness, or rehabilitative purposes. Dr. Aguirre will do a thorough evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate.

Take the First Step Toward A Stronger and Healthier Version of yourself

If you are ready to invest in yourself with a non-invasive procedure that is safe and convenient, let us help you. Emsculpt Neo is a medical device that is backed by science and real results. Health and wellness is an investment that will pay dividends in the long run. At Luxxe Wellness and Beauty we are committed to helping you achieve the best version of yourself. Give us a call to get started on your new healthy lifestyle journey.