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About Neuromodulators

At Luxxe Wellness & Beauty in San Antonio, TX, we have a safe solution that can soften expression lines and help preserve your youth. We offer anti-aging treatments with injectable neuromodulators, products that contain a neurotoxin that relaxes facial muscles and helps erase lines and wrinkles. Post-treatment, you’ll look and feel more like your younger self again, but completely natural, just with fewer expression lines.

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Neuromodulators contain an active ingredient called a neurotoxin. Neurotoxins are so effective at smoothing lines and wrinkles because they address muscular activity. Frowning, squinting, eyebrow-raising, eyebrow furrowing, and other common expressions all result from the muscles constantly moving throughout the day, every day, for years on end.

The Power of the Injectable Neurotoxin

As you age, your skin’s foundational structure becomes weaker as your body substantially decreases its production of anti-aging substances like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. If anti-aging treatments and topical products aren’t completely eliminating your expression lines, you may need something that addresses them at their source, and that’s where our injectable neuromodulators come in.


Jeuveau is an anti-aging neuromodulator that’s specifically designed to address frown lines. Frown lines are some of the most common expression lines that form between the eyebrows of both men and women. Some are light, others are deeper, but regardless, they can alter the appearance of your face and, in doing so, make you feel older, angry looking, and tired.

We can use Jeuveau to smooth those lines and make you look younger, more approachable, and more relaxed. Once you undergo treatment with Jeuveau, you’ll see results within two to three days. Your results will last approximately four to six months.


Dysport is another cosmetic injectable that’s very similar to Botox, and many patients have come to prefer Dysport over Botox. Like Jeuveau, Dysport is specifically designed and FDA-approved to smooth frown lines between the eyebrows. During the Dysport injection process, we will administer the necessary amount of product into five specific points above and around the eyebrow region to target the muscles responsible for your frown lines.

This strategic injection process ensures that you achieve wrinkle-free results without inhibiting your ability to express as normal. After your treatment, you can expect your frown lines to soften within two to three days, and your results can last anywhere from three to four months.

How the Treatment Works

Our treatment process begins with an initial in-depth consultation. Since we’ve hand-picked our two favorite neuromodulators, you may be a good candidate for one over the other, or we can use the active neurotoxin in either to address your area of concern throughout your long-term treatment plan.

We will ask you some questions about your medical history at your consultation, and it’s important that we determine that you are not allergic to the neurotoxin in either one of these injectables. Once we confirm your treatment eligibility, we can move forward with the treatment process, and you can have confidence knowing that you’re scheduling a safe anti-aging treatment.

Preparing for Your Appointment

Before your appointment, you should avoid anti-inflammatory medications and supplements, as doing so will help promote the best results post-treatment. Additionally, increase your water intake to hydrate your skin and call our office to reschedule your appointment if you develop a skin infection in your planned treatment area.

Your Injections

When you arrive, we will administer a topical numbing solution, if necessary, to enhance your comfort after cleansing the injection sites to sanitize your skin. The treatment process itself only takes 10 minutes from start to finish.

We will administer the product to the muscles responsible for your frown lines during the quick treatment process. Injectables have very thin, fine needles, which promotes a comfortable injection treatment. Once your treatment is over, we will give you a list of aftercare instructions, and you can resume your normal daily activities.

What To Expect From Your Results

Once you achieve results, you’ll be able to enjoy them for three to six months at a time. Once your body metabolizes the neurotoxin formula in one of these injectables, you’ll see your wrinkles reappear.

However, you don’t have to resume a life with frown lines or other expression lines because regular follow-up treatments will enable you to preserve a youthful appearance long-term. Patients may find that the longer they undergo treatments, the fewer units they need to effectively relax the muscles.

What To Expect From Your Results

Once you achieve results, you’ll be able to enjoy them for three to six months at a time. Once your body metabolizes the neurotoxin formula in one of these injectables, you’ll see your wrinkles reappear.

However, you don’t have to resume a life with frown lines or other expression lines because regular follow-up treatments will enable you to preserve a youthful appearance long-term. Patients may find that the longer they undergo treatments, the fewer units they need to effectively relax the muscles.

Am I a Candidate?

You may be a candidate for Jeuveau or Dysport if you have noticeable frown lines and expression lines affecting your confidence in your appearance. Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or beyond and your anti-aging treatments and products aren’t smoothing your expression lines as you’d like them to, we can develop a treatment plan that helps you achieve youthful-looking skin.

Plus, we can make other professional in-office skincare treatment recommendations to help you target other concerns so you can achieve the most comprehensive results.

Begin an Anti-Aging Treatment Plan That Works

Don’t let expression lines determine your confidence. Instead, be proactive and schedule a treatment that will treat your current expression lines and help prevent them from worsening over time. Once you do, you’ll love your results and be amazed at how much younger you look and feel after this quick and virtually painless treatment process.